Thursday, May 27, 2010

Earthly and everlasting

My father died twenty years ago at sea
He appeared to me tonight
Wearing a cloak as dark as man's heart

He raised both his hands to the black midnight sky
He had clocks on his palms with no hands or numbers

His words were as bright as a cluster of stars
Orbiting the limits of our understanding:
"There is no death
There is no time"

"I've worshipped at the throne of God
Sang Hymns beyond comprehension
Stared till I couldn't bear the sight
of the blue and red fire
and the absence of form
so blindingly white

Tattoo your chest, son
A gazelle devouring a lion
Travel to the Holy City
Smear children's blood on your face and hands

Adulterers, liars, thieves, fornicators, murderers
There is no death
There is no time"

Sons murder fathers
Wives murder husbands
Slaughter your beasts
Throw your children into the sea
Brother murder brother
Sister blind yourself in the night
Sin and redemption
Redemption and sin
Guilt and Absolution
Earthly and everlasting

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