Friday, June 25, 2010


The Human Habitat in its essence is a parasitical organism (not only physically, which should be readily apparent to even the dullest among us but also and particularly psychically; devouring pleasures and comfort like pigs at a trough, the natural excretion being pain and stupefaction or spiritual deadness) and likely extraterrestrial in its origin, as evidenced by the truly astounding imbalance it displays with its supposed natural environment. Hailing from and returning to distant lands, the human virus destroys and is destroyed without fail, without regard, without prejudice and without distinction. Were the creature not so unflinchingly and banally wicked I believe it would be sympathetic; as it stands the organism in question presents all the features of high comedy: desperate and flailing attempts at attaining meaningless and preposterous ends, longing for light but often unknowingly turning from illumination because it often remains ignorant of it's desire and the key element in any profound absurd over seriousness concerning this condition combined with a gross overestimation of its it's own worth.

Here's a song for you human beings; I insist that you sing along:

Forget your troubles c'mon get happy,
You better chase all your cares away.
Shout hallelujah c'mon get happy
Get ready for the judgement day.

The sun is shinin' c'mon get happy,
The Lord is waitin' to take your hand.
Shout hallelujah c'mon get happy,
We're going to the promise land

We're headin' across the river to
Wash your sins away in the tide.
It's all so peaceful on the other side.

Forget your troubles c'mon get happy,
You better chase all your cares away.
Shout hallelujah c'mon get happy,
Get ready for the judgement day.

Forget your troubles c'mon get happy
Chase ya cares away.
hallelujah get happy,
Before the judgement day.

The sun is shinin' c'mon get happy,
The Lord is waitin' to take your hand.
Shout hallelujah c'mon get happy,
We're gonna be going to the promise land.

Were headin' cross the river,
Wash you're sins away in the tide.
It's quiet and peaceful on the other side.

Forget your troubles get happy,
your cares fly away.
Shout hallelujah get happy
Get ready for your judgement day.

C'mon get happy,
Chase your cares away.
Shout hallelujah c'mon get happy,
Get ready for the judgment day

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